May 29, 1941 - The Propaganda Machine And The Invasion Of Crete.

May 29, 1941 - news of latest German bomber raids on England and Northern Ireland. RAF raids on French coast. German invasion of Crete. Berlin reaction to latest FDR Fireside chat, ratchets up Anti-U.S. propaganda. Vichy France declares a stepped up effort to equip it's air force, seen as a ploy for France to manufacture more planes for Germany. Washington reacts to German reaction. Latest fighting in Africa, centered around Tobruk.

German Paratroops landing on Crete. Another day, another invasion.

Even around Memorial Day, the news on this May 29th in 1941 was about anything but Peace.

Reports from Berlin said a full-on invasion had taken place on the island of Crete. Reaction over FDR's latest Fireside Chat regarding U.S. shipping and neutral waters was swift and predictable. German bomber raids over England had increased, with raids on Northern Ireland included in the mix. In addition to Crete, intense fighting was now taking place in North Africa, concentrating on the area of Tobruk.

It was also reported that Berlin was relaxing its armistice terms to allow the Vichy French Air Force to "defend itself", causing many in London to speculate that it was a ploy on the part of the Laval government and Berlin to stimulate French manufacture of planes, the majority going to Germany in an effort to step up their lagging production with 7-8 of every 10 planes going to Germany. The French Merchant fleet was under Axis control and French Captains were ordered to scuttle theirs ships rather than face capture by the British.

From London came reports of RAF raids over Northern Germany and the French coast and confirmation that German raids the previous night did heavy damage on Liverpool and Belfast.

From Washington came reaction to German reaction to FDR's Fireside Chat saying Berlin was getting nervous and resorting to name calling and that U.S. involvement in the War in Europe would only be a matter of time or if "one of the axis powers decides to pull the trigger".

All that, and it was only the morning news via NBC for May 29, 1941.

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