The Neda Revolution

(Neda Agha-Soltan - the face of repression's shame) I don't usually post current items, or late breaking news. I leave that to Crooks and Liars to

To The Point, the excellent news review program hosted by Warren Olney and broadcast here in Los Angeles on KCRW. Olney was interviewing Robin Wright, the broadcaster/journalist who I have been a fan of for years, ever since her days with CBS Radio, covering the Middle East and Southern Africa during the apartheid struggle. Wright has always been a source of good, solid information, truthfully presented without bias, and hearing her assessment of the current state of affairs in Iran and the significance of the tragic death of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26 year-old philosophy student gunned down on Saturday made me want to share this on my site. I do however urge you to sign up for the podcasts currently available at KCRW of To The Point and to check out Olney's companion show "Which Way, L.A.?", as well as support KCRW, a station doing what most stations don't these days; performing a service - Olney has been a mainstay in broadcast journalism for many years in the Los Angeles area. He is without flash, hysteria or gimmicks - something we are desperate for right about now.
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