Nelson Mandela - May 10, 1994 - And Maybe You Remember . . .
(Nelson Mandela in 1994 - putting new meaning in "Shine South Africa, Shine") I almost let the week go by without acknowledging the recent election
(Nelson Mandela in 1994 - putting new meaning in "Shine South Africa, Shine")
I almost let the week go by without acknowledging the recent election and swearing in of Jacob Zuma as President of South Africa on May 9th. But I was also reminded how defining that moment was for Nelson Mandela, on May 10 of 1994. How the political and social landscape of South Africa would change forever, and how apartheid was relegated to the trash heap of history and how a new era would emerge.
Fifteen years ago, this week. In some ways it feels like a hundred and in other ways it feels like a minute or two ago. How far we've come - how far there is left to go.