New Years Eve - 1955 - Hopeful Pessimism.

News of the day for December 31, 1955, New Years Eve and the events of the day as commented on by Gabriel Heatter and Virgil Pinkely for Mutual Radio.

1955 - Postwar Baby Boom still roaring along.

Gabriel Heatter and Virgil Pinkely.

Strange times when you consider the possibility of nuclear annihilation was hovering over everyone's head while trying to be optimistic about the future at the same time. So on the one hand you had news of the Cold War escalating and drunk drivers going completely out of control on the nation's highways. And on the other hand you had a picture painted of who the first born of 1956 would be.

It explains the growth of the pharmaceutical industry and the advent of Mitown.

At the end of the two broadcasts there is a very nice commercial for the 1956 Desoto. A reminder that conspicuous consumption was also very much a household word in the 1950's.

News and commentary from Gabriel Heatter and Virgil Pinkley, broadcast on December 31, 1955 over the Mutual/Don Lee Radio network by way of KHJ in Los Angeles.

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