Newstalgia Backstage Weekend - Talking Heads Live In Milwaukee - 1984

Newstalgia Backstage Weekend with Talking Heads live in Milwaukee, 1984.

Talking Heads - post-punk meets Avant Garde, signals New Wave.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the concert we originally planned this weekend just wasn't happening technically. So as a substitute, here is a Talking Heads concert from Milwaukee recorded in 1984.

One of those bands that skirted New Wave, Post-Punk, Experimental and Avant Garde without actually being labeled one of those specifically, Talking Heads were a breath of fresh air and a change in direction for a lot of contemporary music at the time. Inventive while also having large appeal with the mainstream, they managed to bridge several camps at the same time, and achieved a huge amount of success in the process.

1984 was a good year for the band and this is an exceptionally good concert from that period.

Enjoy - play loud . . .you know the drill.

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