Newstalgia Backstage Weekend - Jamiroquai At Summer Festival Di Lucca, Italy - 2011

Newstalgia Backstage Weekend with Jamiroquai, live at The Summer Fesival di Lucca in Italy, recorded by RAI 2 on July 24, 2011.

Jay Kay of Jimiroquai - Jazz-Funk Greats since 1992.

Jamiroquai. Recorded live as it happened on RAI Radio 2 this past July 24th.

Two hours of solid Funk, the set is broken up between two players so you won't miss a note.

Here's the set list:

Jamiroquai Set List – July 24, 2011

1.Rock Dust Light Star
2.Main Vein
3. Cosmic Girl
4. High Times
5. Little L
6. Morning Glory
7. Canned Heat
8. All Good In The Hood
9. Hey Floyd
10. Feels Just Like It Should
11. Love Foolosophy
12. Use The Force
13. Travelling Without Moving
14. Scam
15. Alright
16. Deeper Underground
17. White Knuckle Ride

Because it's Italian Radio the announcer is in Italian - you can check out your language skills or you can ignore it. But play it loud anyway.

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