Newstalgia Backstage Weekend - Tame Impala Live At The Splendor In The Grass Festival - 2010

Newstalgia Backstage Weekend with Tame Impala, live at the Splendor In The Grass Festival, Australia - July 31, 2010.

Tame Impala - Psych from Down Under is alive and groovy.

A few weeks ago I promised I would dig up a Live Tame Impala concert I recently found via Triple J Radio in Australia. As promised, here it is.

From the Splendor In The Grass Festival 2010, recorded by Triple J Radio on July 31, 2010 here is a pretty near complete (and complete with really excited announcers) set by one of the breakthrough Alt/Psych/Indie/Progressive bands coming out of Australia from the past couple of years.

I'm just glad they're around. I hope you are too.

Enjoy and play loud.

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