Newstalgia Downbeat - Shirley Scott - Live At Dummy Georges - 1980

Newstalgia Downbeat with Shirley Scott, along with Charles Bowen, tenor and Pete Vincent, Drums in a live club date at Dummy Georges in Detroit, New Years Eve 1980. Recorded by NPR as part of their legendary Jazz Alive! series.

Shirley Scott - Queen of the B-3.

Shirley Scott on Hammond B-3 along with Charles Bowen on Tenor Sax and Pete Vincent on Drums, playing a club date at the late and much lamented Dummy Georges in Detroit on New Years Eve 1980.

Scott came to prominence in the early 1960's after working with Stanley Turrentine and her career spanned over 40 albums and countless appearances and guest spots until her death in 2002. She was rightly dubbed The Queen Of The Organ and, even though the crowd is a bit rowdy, heading into New Years, Scott holds forth with a great set.

Recorded by NPR for their much loved and sadly missed Jazz Alive! series. Back when Public Radio was all about something.

Enjoy and turn on your friends.

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