Newstalgia Fundraiser 2011 - It's That Time Again

It's that time again - Newstalgia is busy passing the hat. Give what you can and help keep the site going.

Actually, it's true.

It's that time again. It's always a pain asking for money to keep this site going, but I have to. Unfortunately, it costs to keep everything running. The archive (where all the sounds for most all the stories you see) is a pretty expensive proposition to keep up. The building is expensive and the time and labor it takes to digitize the library is time consuming. It all takes money to keep happening and most of the time there just isn't enough. Rent gets late and landlords get crazy. Equipment breaks down (especially all the vintage recording gear that costs a lot just to keep running) and I have to either get it repaired or look for replacements.

The average story takes anywhere from 4-14 hours to put together, and unfortunately it's just me doing the writing, the editing, the digitizing, the cataloging, the layout - the whole works.

It's a labor of love, but sometimes love needs to pay the bills.

So anything you can give all goes straight to keeping Newstalgia and the Archives up and cranking. I'm doing my best to keep history alive and sometimes it needs a boost.

Thanks for all your help and support in the past - you've made a huge difference. Hit the Donate button if you like and if you can and help me keep Newstalgia going.
As always,

Gordon Skene
Gordon Skene Sound Collection

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