Newstalgia Has Closed.
After 3 years as Newstalgia it's time to move on and explore new territories. Newstalgia is no more - it's turned into Past Daily (
No doubt, some of you have been wondering where Newstalgia has gone. Well, it's gone. After 3 years it's time to move on and test new waters. Some of you have noticed another site, Past Daily, which has been running posts quite similar to this. Well, that's who we are now and that's where we've set up shop for the past couple of weeks. Same history, same historic audio, same concerts, same rarities - only a new site, a new look and a new audience. We're working on the look and tweaking features here and there. In essence, we're still moving in.
A lot of you have been very supportive over the years, and I would like to say it's sad to leave. But in truth, nothing has changed, only the location. So if you like me as Newstalgia, you'll like me as Past Daily. And I will be continuing to offer you rare material you won't hear anywhere else. So nothing has really changed, only I am now no longer affiliated with Crooks and Liars.
It's been fun. It started as an experiment, and for the most part it worked. Now it's time to move on.
Drop by Past Daily if you get a chance and say hi. I still take requests and I still read e-mails.
A special thanks to my pals at C&L - you made it all fun and interesting and I was proud and delighted to be part of the team, especially Neiwert, Karoli, Blue Gal, Susie and Nicole.
And like I always say - you ain't seen the last of me.
Be well and stay sane,
Gordon Skene