Newstalgia Hat Pass - Day 4

(The endless quest for that Seal of Approval) [gordon-donate] Day 4. It's slowly coming together and my sincerest thanks for the generosity of tho

(The endless quest for that Seal of Approval)
Day 4. It's slowly coming together and my sincerest thanks for the generosity of those who have contributed so far as I try to keep this site up and the archives functioning.

Everyone, it seems is in the midst of one fund raiser or another. The search for dollars (or even loose change) is getting more crowded and fewer people are being asked to give more.

I just want you to give what you can, if you can. At the moment we've raised enough to keep the power on. Hopefully we'll be able to raise enough to keep the internet up. I have my fingers crossed we'll be able to raise enough to pay the back rent on the Archives and keep it from getting seized.

We're plugging along. And with your help, we're plugging better.



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