Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The Czech Radio Symphony Plays Music Of Kohoutek, Martinu And Novak - 2010
Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert with the Czech Radio symphony in various performances (live and studio) from 2010 featuring music of Ctirad Kohoutek, Bohuslav Martinu and Vatislav Novak.

Over to Prague this week for a concert (as well as a studio performance) by the Czech Radio Symphony. The program is pretty varied, with works by Ctirad Kohoutek, Bohuslav Martinu and Vatisla Novak.
With the strange Google translation of the Czech Radio page, the english translation of the Kohoutek piece is Monolith but it's Czech name is Pocta Zivotu. Either way, I'm completely unfamiliar with it. I am familiar with the other piece, the Martinu Concerto for Flute, Violin and Orchestra and the Symphony Number 3. Conductors of the pieces are, Ondrej Kukai for the Kohoutek, Jan Kucera for the Martinu Concerto (with Martin Valek and Jiri Valek soloists), Peter Vronsky for the Novak and Vladimir Valek for the Martinu Symphony.
A really nice concert and especially nice if you're a Martinu fan.
The concert is split up into two parts - the first part (top player) is the Kohoutek and Martinu Concerto and the second part (bottom player) is the Novak Serenade and Martinu Symphony Number 3.
Here are the Google English and original Czech notes:
Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra. Symphony Orchestra for the monolith (16 min). Conductor: Ondrej Kukal. - Bohuslav Martinu: Concerto for Flute, Violin and Orchestra (19 min). Soloists and George Martin Valek Valek. Conducted by Jan Kucera. - Vitezslav Novák: Serenade for Small Orchestra in D major, Op. 36 (24 min). Conducted by Peter Vronsky. - Bohuslav Martinu: Symphony No. 3 (29 min). Conducted by Vladimir Valek. (90 min)
Ctirad Kohoutek: Pocta životu. Symfonický monolit pro orchestr (16 min). Řídí Ondřej Kukal. - Bohuslav Martinů: Koncert pro flétnu, housle a orchestr (19 min). Sólisté Martin Válek a Jiří Válek. Řídí Jan Kučera. - Vítězslav Novák: Serenáda pro malý orchestr D dur op. 36 (24 min). Řídí Petr Vronský. - Bohuslav Martinů: Symfonie č. 3 (29 min). Řídí Vladimír Válek. (90 min)
Announcements are in Czech and for some reason, the concert is in Mono. But . . it's worth it.