Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The Dresden Staatskapelle Live In Concert From Paris - May 17, 2010

(Genia Kuhmeier and Anne Schwanewilms - doing wonders with Strauss) [media id=17295] This week's Mid-Week concert features the legendary Dresden S

(Genia Kuhmeier and Anne Schwanewilms - doing wonders with Strauss)

Dresden Staatskappele conducted by equally legendary French conductor Georges Pretres in a program of Richard Strauss and Beethoven. Also assisting are Sopranos Genia Kuhmeier and Anne Schwanewils and Mezzo-Sopano Bernarda Fink. The concert was recorded live at the Champs-Elysees in Paris on May 17, 2010 by Radio France. The program details are as follows:

Strauss et Beethoven
Concert donné le 17 mai 2010 au Théâtre des Champs-Elysées
Richard Strauss
Danse des sept voiles, Ext. de l’œuvre Salomé
Valses, Ext. de l’œuvre Rosenkavalier
Trio final, Ext.du Rosenkavalier

Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphonie N°3 en mi bémol majeur Op. 55, Héroïque

Genia Kühmeier, Soprano, Sophie
Anne Schwanewilms, Soprano, La Maréchale
Bernarda Fink, Mezzo-soprano, Octavian
Staatskapelle de Dresde
Georges Prêtre, Direction

The concert, as always is complete and is broken up into two parts. Part 1 (above) features the Strauss pieces and Part 2 (below) features the Beethoven and an unlisted encore of Brahms. The crowd was happy.

The announcements are in French, but I edited them down to fit the player. So don't run for the translator just yet.


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