Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - Lisa Batiashvili And Friends - Live

Newstalgia Mid-Week concert featuring Lisa Batiashvili, violin - Francois Leleux, oboe - Sebastian Klinger, cello, Guy Ben Ziony, alto and Milana Chernyavska, piano in a chamber concert of works by Mozart, Prokofiev, and Britten - live and direct from the Theatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris - November 23, 2011.

Lisa Batiashvili - further evidence of a potent force in our midst.

Over to the Theatre des Champs-Elysees this week for a chamber concert featuring Lisa Batiashvili, violin - Francois Leleux, oboe - Sebastian Klinger, cello - Guy Ben Ziony, alto and Milana Chernyavska, piano. Recorded live-and-direct by Radio France Musique on November 23, 2011. The concert features works by Mozart, Prokofiev and Britten.

And the notes:

mercredi 23 novembre 2011

En direct du Théâtre des Champs-Elysées : Mozart, Prokofiev, Britten

Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
Quatuor en Fa majeur K.370 (1781)

Serge Prokofiev
Sonate N°1 en Fa mineur Op.80 (1938,1946)

Benjamin Britten
Phantasy Op.2 (1932)

Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
Sonate N°42 en La majeur K.526 (1787)

Lisa Batiashvili, Violon
François Leleux, Hautbois
Sebastian Klinger, Violoncelle
Guy Ben Ziony, Alto
Milana Chernyavska, Piano

The concert is broken up between two players - the top player features the Mozart and Prokofiev and the bottom player is the Britten and Mozart. Small technical note: 4 minutes into the Britten there is a bizarre 2 second burst of strange noise which appears to be in the original recording and transmission. I have no idea what it is or what may have caused it. But after the 2 seconds it's gone and the rest of the concert is fine.

Just so you know.

Otherwise - announcements are in French and the recording is, as always, wonderful.

Enjoy - it's Anti-Road Rage Wednesday.

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