Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - L'Orchestre De La Suisse Romande Conducted By Paul Kletzki With Arthur Grumiaux 1967.

Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert featuring a historic broadcast from the archives of RSR Espace 2 featuring l'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande led by former Music Director Paul Kletzki in a concert recorded in 1967 and 1969, featuring the legendary Arthur Grumiaux, violin.

Paul Kletzki - historic broadcast concert this week.

Every so often the overseas radio networks will toss a zinger at you. This past week, RSR Espace 2, the famous Swiss Radio outlet broadcast a concert given by l'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, conducted by their former Music Director, the legendary Paul Kletzki from 1967 (and 1969). Joining Kletzki is the equally legendary Belgian violinist Arthur Grumiaux, who joins the orchestra in the Beethoven Violin Concerto.

For collectors, the name Paul Kletzki is significant. He was one of the outstanding conductors of the 20th Century whose survival under Nazism, Fascism, and the Stalinist purges occasionally overshadowed his tremendous gift as a musician. His recordings are highly sought after and his live recordings (like this one) are milestones in the area of interpretation.

So it's a special Mid-Week Concert this week and hopefully there will be others in the future.

For now - here's the rundown of what you'll be hearing:

Les archives de l’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande.
Concert hommage à Paul Klecki,
chef de l’OSR de 1967 à 1970
Enregistrements réalisés au Studio
Ernest-Ansermet et au Victoria Hall
à Genève entre 1967 et 1969
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Arthur Grumiaux, violon

Direction : Paul Klecki

- C. M. von Weber:
Euryanthe. Opéra en 3 actes (extrait), Jähns 291(Victoria Hall)

- L. van Beethoven:
Concerto pourviolon et orchestre, en ré majeur, op. 61(Victoria Hall)

- S. Rakhmaninov:
Symphonie no 3,en la mineur, op.44 (Studio Ernest- Ansermet)

The concert is broken up between two players - the top player has the Weber and Beethoven and the bottom player has the Rachmaninoff.

A little history to go with your Anti-Road Rage Wednesday.

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