Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The OSRM Play Music Of Turina And Moreno-Buendia
Newstalgia Mid-Week concert from Spain this week. The ORSM conducted by Jose Miguel Rodilla play the music of Turina and Moreno-Buenida. Concert recorded on December 4, 2009.
Over to Spain this week with a concert by Orquesta Sinfonica de la Region de Murcia (OSRM) led by their music director Jose Miguel Rodilla live in concert and featuring the music of Spanish composers Joaquin Turina and Manuel Moreno-Buendia. The concert was recorded by Radio Nacional Espana on December 4, 2009. The Sinfonia Sevillana by Turina is familiar to a lot of people. But the two pieces by Manuel Moreno-Buendia aren't, at least to me. It's a great concert by a really nice orchestra and well worth taking the time to listen or download.
As always, it's broken into two parts with the Turina and the Flute Concerto by Moreno-Buendia on the top player and the Suite de danzas by Moreno-Buendia on the bottom player.
Here's the program:
Orquesta Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia
Concierto celebrado en el Auditorio y Centro de
Congresos Víctor Villegas de Murcia el 4 de
diciembre de 2009.TURINA: Sinfonía Sevillana, Op. 24.
MORENO-BUENDÍA: Concierto para flauta y orquesta.
Celtiberia (Suite de danzas. J. A. Nicolás (fl.), Orq.
Sinf. de la Región de Murcia. Dir.: J. M. Rodilla.
Announcements are in Spanish but edited to time constraints.
Good to listen to especially today when it's pretty crazy out there. Anti-Road Rage is in full force.