Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert: RAI Radio Symphony Conducted By Christopher Hogwood - Haydn And Mozart - Live

(Christopher Hogwood - lending authenticity to the podium) Today's concert is from earlier last week (April 1), live and direct from Torino, Italy

(Christopher Hogwood - lending authenticity to the podium)

Today's concert is from earlier last week (April 1), live and direct from Torino, Italy and featuring the RAI Radio symphony, guest conducted by Christopher Hogwood leading a program of Haydn and Mozart. First up (the player just above) is a performance of Haydn's Symphony Nr.104. Second (the player below) is a complete performance of the Mozart Requiem K.626 with soloists Rachel Harnisch, soprano - Rosa Bove, contralto - Jorg Schneider, teno - Christof Fischesser, bass and Ruggero Maghini Chorus of Torino led by Claudio Chivazza.

A pretty nice performance all the way around. It's complete and the announcements (which I've edited down to a minimum) are in Italian.

giovedì 1 aprile 2010 20.30


In diretta dall'Auditorium Rai "Arturo Toscanini" di Torino


Christopher Hogwood, direttore

Rachel Harnisch, soprano

Rosa Bove, contralto

Jörg Schneider, tenore

Christof Fischesser, basso

Coro Filarmonico "Ruggero Maghini" di Torino

Claudio Chiavazza, maestro del coro

Franz Joseph Haydn

Sinfonia in re maggiore Hob. I:104 "Salomon"

- Adagio. Allegro

- Andante

- Minuetto. Allegro

- Finale spiritoso

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Requiem in re minore KV 626 per soli, coro e orchestra (revisione di Richard Maunder)

- Introitus "Requiem aeternam"

- Kyrie

- Sequentia "dies irae"

- Offertorium "Domine Jesu - Hostias"

- Sanctus

- Benedictus

- Agnus Dei

- Communio "Lux aeterna"

Good for the mid-week hysterics or just Wednesday's anger management.

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