Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The Swedish Radio Symphony Plays Music Of Tally, Liszt And Rachmaninoff.

Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert with the Swedish Radio Symphony in concert featuring Dima Slobodenjuk conducting and Peter Friis Johansson, piano solo in music by Mirjam Tally, Franz Liszt and Sergei Rachmaninoff. Recorded on March 18th.

Peter Friis Johnasson - tackling a tour de force in the Liszt department.

Dima Slobodenjuk and Swedish pianist Peter Friis Johansson in a program of music by contemporary composer Mirjam Tally, Franz Liszt and Sergei Rachmaninoff. Recorded by Sveriges Radio on March 18th.

Kind of a short concert this week (a little under an hour), so it all fits on one player. The program goes like this:

1. Mirjam Tally: Density
2. Liszt: Totentanz
3. Rachmaninoff: The Rock - symphonic Poem

Announcements are in Swedish and were a little long-winded, so they've been edited down.

For you note takers:

1. Mirjam Tally: Density, uruppförande av P2:s beställningsverk.
2. Franz Liszt: Totentanz.
3. Sergej Rachmaninov: Klippan, symfonisk dikt.
Solist: Peter Friis Johansson, piano.
Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester. Dirigent: Dima Slobodenjuk.
Konsert 18/3, Berwaldhallen.

The Tally is a bit intense but really good. Otherwise it's perfect Anti-Road Rage Wednesday music.

Pull over to the side of the road and breathe deeply.

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