Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The Swedish Radio Symphony Featuring Menahem Pressler In Concert.

Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert with The Swedish Radio Symphony, conducted by Daniel Harding and featuring legendary Pianist Menahem Pressler in music of Mozart, Berg, Webern and Schoenberg. Recorded live on February 10, 2012.

Menahem Pressler, piano and Daniel Harding, conductor. Exquisite music making.

This week's concert comes from Stockholm and it features the Swedish Radio Symphony, conducted by Daniel Harding and featuring one of the legendary figures of the keyboard, Menahem Pressler playing the Mozart G Major Piano Concerto K. 453. After the break, the orchestra embarks on a seamless presentation of music by Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern and Alban Berg. The concert was recorded on February 10th by Sveriges Radio.

Since there was a rather lengthy intermission, I just decided to break the concert up between two players, with part one (the top player) featuring the Mozart along with a Chopin encore. And part two (the bottom player) featuring the Schoenberg, Webern and Berg.

Here are the Program notes from Sveriges Radio:


Publiken var i extas" rapporterade en P2 Live klassiskt-medarbetare efter Menahem Presslers och Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkesters konsert i Berwaldhallen den 10 februari. Lyssna på detta ljuvliga framförande av Mozarts pianokonsert nr 17 och triptyken av Schönberg-Webern-Berg som har kallats för "Mahlers elfte symfoni".

21:30: Konsert med Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester
Solist: Menahem Pressler, piano. Dirigent: Daniel Harding.

1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Pianokonsert nr 17 G-dur.

2. Arnold Schönberg: Fem orkesterstycken.

3. Anton Webern: Sex orkesterstycken.

4. Alban Berg: Tre orkesterstycken.

Konsert 10/2, Berwaldhallen.

Announcements are in Swedish and I've kept them to a minimum.

A great concert featuring one of the founding members of the Beaux Arts Trio (Pressler) who is still actively touring and teaching and one of the truly bright lights of the music world.


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