Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - The Wuppertal Symphony With Deszo Ranki Play Music Of Lizst And Bartok.
Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert featuring The Wuppertal Symphony, conducted by Toshiyuki Kamioka and featuring Dezso Ranki, piano in music of Lizst and Bartok. Broadcast live in concert by WDR in Germany on April 23, 2012.
Over to Germany this week for a concert by the Wuppertal Symphony, conducted by Toshiyuki Kamioka and featuring legendary Hungarian pianist Dezso Ranki in music of Liszt and Bartok. The concert was broadcast live by WDR3 in Germany.
Here's what they play:
Montag, 23.04.12 um 20:05 Uhr
WDR 3 Städtekonzerte NRW
Live - Sinfonieorchester WuppertalFranz Liszt
Zwei LegendenBéla Bartók
Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 Sz 95Béla Bartók
Konzert für Orchester Sz 116Dezsö Ránki, Klavier
Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal
Leitung: Toshiyuki KamiokaLive aus der Historischen Stadthalle Wuppertal
Redaktion: Christoph Held
The concert is broken up between two players - the top player features the Liszt and the Bartok Piano Concerto and the bottom player features Concerto For Orchestra.
Announcements are in German, so drag out your translation books.
Otherwise, perfect Anti-Road Rage Wednesday music. No?