Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert - Orquesta Nacional De Espana Featuring Emanuel Ax Play Music Of Beethoven And Berlioz - Live.

Newstalgia Mid-Week Concert featuring Orquesta Nacional de Espana conducted by Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos and featuring piano phenomenon Emanuel Ax in music of Beethoven and Berlioz. Recorded live in Madrid on January 22, 2012 by Radio Nacional Espana.

Emanuel Ax - enduring phenomenon.

Some meat-and-potatoes this week from Madrid. The Orquesta Nacional de Espana conducted by the great Rafael Fruhbech de Burgos and featuring piano icon Emanuel Ax in a program of Beethoven and Berlioz, recorded live in concert by Radio Nacional Espana on January 22, 2012.

Here's the rundown:

Orquesta y Coro Nacionales de España
Transmisión directa desde el Auditorio Nacional de Música de Madrid.

BEETHOVEN: Concierto para piano y orquesta nº 5 en Mi bemol mayor, Op. 73 “Emperador”.

BERLIOZ: Sinfonía fantástica, Op. 14.

Emanuel. Ax (p.), Orq. Nacional de España. Dir.: R. Frühbeck de Burgos.

The Beethoven is on the top player and the Berlioz is on the bottom player.

Happy Anti-Road Rage Wednesday!

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