Jean Shepherd is mostly known today as the guy who wrote "A Christmas Story" and not much else. But he was a successful author with several books to his credit, a frequent contributor to Playboy Magazine, made periodic appearances on PBS and was generally acknowledged as one of the great wits and humorists of the 1950's and 60's who had a daily radio show on WOR in New York and had a massive following. He was a story teller and something of an iconoclast with a somewhat surreal sense of humor.
Here is one of his daily shows over WOR, which was syndicated around the country. This one is from December 4, 1967 and gives you an idea of what he was like on a daily basis.
If you remember him, you know. If you have no idea, check him out and remember there was a time radio wasn't there to scare you to death or turn you into a psychopath. You could actually hear something interesting. And Jean Shepherd was certainly interesting.