Newstalgia Pop Chronicles - The Peter Tosh Story

Newstalgia Pop Chronicles - The Peter Tosh Story. Produced by BBC Radio 4 traces the career and controversy around Peter Tosh, Reggae legend.

Peter Tosh - considered by some to be the Malcolm X to Bob Marley's Martin Luther King. He would probably agree.

Peter Tosh was an outspoken critic of racism, oppression and the suppression of human rights. Where fellow founding member of The Wailers, Bob Marley spoke of peace and universal brotherhood, Tosh was a revolutionary and he used his gifts to spread his message as a call to arms to end racial oppression. Certainly on the same page, Tosh and Marley went about conveying their messages differently - although the end result was the same; trailblazing an awareness and a universal condemnation of those forces of oppression and racism.

Tosh met a needless and violent death and Marley died of a prolonged illness. Their music and message still live on though, and this documentary produced by BBC Radio 4 sheds some light on who Peter Tosh was; what kind of person and what kind of artist he was.

Another chronicle of popular culture.

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