Newstalgia Reference Room - Mohandas Gandhi.

Newstalgia Reference Room - Mohandas Gandhi. A documentary produced by the BBC in 1969 on the occasion of publication of a book outlining Gandhi and his practice of non-violence called "Gandhi On Trial".

Strangely, there are a lot of people who have no idea who this is.

Mohandas Gandhi for his role in it. In addition to the voice of Gandhi himself, there are numerous interviews with followers of Gandhi as well as members of the British Government who were involved in the prosecution and trial.

It's a little under an hour, but it makes for fascinating listening and certainly gives a better understanding of the concept of Non-Violent Protest and why it's playing such an important role in our current wave of protests taking place in, at last count, over 658 cities around the U.S.

Don't get me started on that "mind being a terrible thing to waste" rant.

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