Newstalgia Reference Room - Paul Tsongas Suspends 1992 Campaign.
Newstalgia Reference Room - Paul Tsongas suspends 1992 Presidential bid. March 19, 1992

Continuing the occasional series about elections past, I ran across this address by Paul Tsongas from March 19, 1992 in which he announced dropping (or suspending his campaign as they politely call it) his bid for the Presidential nomination for 1992.
After a hopeful start as one of the first to declare his desire to run, Tsongas' campaign gained momentum during the early stages when Bill Clinton's campaign was seen as faltering and was seen as a front runner in the race. But, in what became Clinton Adviser James Carville's memorable phrase "the comeback kid", Bill Clinton won a surprising victory in the New Hampshire primaries and Tsongas' campaign never got back on track and on March 19th Tsongas called it quits.
Here is that address via NPR.