Newstalgia Reference Room: Verne Marshall -1940

(Verne Marshall - shadowy figure in 1940) From the Reference room comes an almost completely obscure figure in Roosevelt Era politics. Verne Marsha

Verne Marshall was a newspaper owner who was heavily involved in the America First Movement as well as his own movement No Foreign War. An avowed isolationist, he was a ardent supporter of General Hanford MacNider (another almost totally forgotten figure) who was linked with the aborted Wall Street/Bankers coup of 1934 and was, not only an isolationist, but pro-Hitlers Germany prior to our involvement in World War 2. He campaigned for MacNider's bid for the Presidency from the Republican Party in 1940. Here he is, delivering a nominating speech for MacNider on June 27, 1940.

Verne Marshall: “ This tempestuous runaway towards national ruin and dictatorship under the Roosevelt lag must be stopped immediately, before those who planned it that way take us down their last mile toward the end of that bloodless revolution which they admit they used Mister Roosevelt as their Kerensky.”

(General Hanford MacNider - was wildly impressed by Adolf)

As always; the same now as it was in 1940, the Republican mantra was one of fear - the impending dictatorship, the loss of American freedom, the ruin of our society. It's the same - it has never changed.

In 1940 the extremists were in the minority. But over time they have taken over. But the bottom line is - the message has stayed exactly the same. 1940, 2010 - no change.

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