Newstalgia Saturday Documentary - The Class System In Britain

(People who normally would not mix) [media id=12694] With the elections in Britain less than a week away, and the latest gaff on Gordon Brown's pa

(People who normally would not mix)

BBC Radio 4 produced a documentary which aired last week about the Class System in Britain.

We may find that odd (although ours is probably more subtle) that the subject of ones class is such an important issue with many people in the UK. The extent of the cultural/class divide is quite large and in this documentary it's addressed and explored and brought to light.

Like I said, we might find it odd that being born into one economic/social family or another has great implications on what you are going to achieve in your later life - it would probably not occur to most people here that being included or excluded because of your social standing, or what your parents did for a living is a relevant issue and colors what you are slated to achieve in this life.

If you aren't familiar with the subject, or have heard about the Class System by all means check out the above documentary and think about the upcoming election and realize we're not talking about 40 or 50 years ago but this past week.

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