Newstalgia Thousand Yard Stare - 1960 In Review.

Newstalgia Thousand Yard Stare - 1960 In Review. The news events that made up 1960 and why the rest of the decade was so crazy.

" . . .and so began the frenzied dance of the 1960's".

Continuing the look back at various years in history - today it's 1960. The one that got the decade that was off to a frenzied start.

Beginning with the hopeful wedding of Princess Margaret and quickly falling apart with the Francis Gary Powers U-2 Spy plane incident and the disintegration of the Paris Summit Conference. It was that kind of year.

Continuing with Cuba, the upheavals in Africa, riots in Japan, the Cold War spiraling out of control at the UN. Civil war in The Congo, and winding up with the election of John F. Kennedy to President.

Compared to other years in other decades 1960 probably paled by comparison. But at the time it signaled an end to the nervous 50's and a beginning of a new and interesting decade. Even if the operative word "interesting" was used in the Chinese curse sense.

And you get to hear all about it, from UPI's Yearly Radio Roundup of news events of the year.

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