Newstalgia Thousand Yard Stare - 1974 In Review

Newstalgia Thousand Yard Stare - 1974 in review. Looking at the major stories of the year, including the Watergate Scandal and the eventual resignation of Richard Nixon. The rise of Gerald Ford. The Middle East and much much more.

We stopped having him to kick around by the time the year was over.

Ending up the look back at various years in review with 1974. Seems only fitting. Ending up one crazy year by looking at another crazy year in history.

That one that started off embroiled in major scandal and ending up with the resignation of a President, the first time it happened.

The Nixon era was over and the Ford era, short as it was, began.

The year started off with an Oil embargo and the Middle East took center stage, again. Newspaper heiress Patty Hearst was abducted and slowly morphed into Tanya. The Turks invaded Cyprus. Ford pardoned Nixon. Haile Selassie was deposed as ruler of Ethiopia. Aerosol became persona non grata and PLO chief Yassar Arafat addressed the UN for the first time.

A year jammed with a lot of changes and drama.

The Year in Review with CBS-News from December 29, 1974.

They don't make years quite like that anymore. Not yet, anyway.

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