Nights At The Roundtable - Fear - 1978

(Fear - 1979 handbill - L.A. had some adjusting to do) [media id=17642] It's what happens when you drag down a box of 45's from the top shelf and

(Fear - 1979 handbill - L.A. had some adjusting to do)

Fear, with their first single issued on Criminal Records, Now Your Dead (actually the b-side which I always really liked) from 1978. The early L.A. Punk scene was a breath of fresh air, since it was in direct contrast to what was a very stale and stagnant music scene (my opinion) and it desperately needed the kick in the ass this movement gave it. Just remember, it didn't change over night and the genre wasn't exactly met with open arms when it first arrived. But bands like Fear just didn't quit and eventually a very vital scene began to flourish and for a few years it was good fun.
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