Nights At The Roundtable - Joad - 2009

(Joad - Indie from Rouen) [media id=17139] Something moderately new out of France tonight. I will admit Joad isn't exactly a name that leaps to mi

(Joad - Indie from Rouen)

Joad isn't exactly a name that leaps to mind as anything you'd want to name a band. It sort of makes you wonder what everyone was thinking when they decided it was a name that looked good on a marquee. All right, color me shallow.

Because Joad is actually quite good. Despite a terrible name, they are a band with some interesting material as well as a first album out. They are touring quite a lot around France and getting good word of mouth going at the same time.

This track, Reve Nr. 7 (Dream Number 7) is off their new album and stands up to a few listenings. Check out their MySpace page for their other tracks. It's worth investigating.

Knowing how things work, they will probably be a massive hit and a household name within months. I will feel completely foolish ever having thought a band with such a weird and forgettable name could be taken seriously. Shows you how much I know.

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