Nights At The Roundtable - Jonny Polonsky - 1996
Nights At The Roundtable with Jonny Polonsky, from his debut 1996 album "Hi My Name Is Jonny" - Half Mind.

Sometimes talent just gets lost in the shuffle. Jonny Polonsky is one of those great, quirky singer-songwriters who released a killer debut album in 1996, but it was sadly neglected. Timing could have been bad, and maybe the label was having trouble (American Recordings, which I think went bust shortly after) getting noticed. Could've been anything. But the bottom line was, Jonny Polonsky's debut album Hi My Name Is Jonny was short-lived for no good reason and vanished a few months after its release.
Tonight's track is Half Mind off that album.
As far as I know he's still around and still making music. He even has a Facebook page. Hopefully, 15 years after this release, he's getting some recognition.
Well . . it would be nice. For everybody.