Nights At The Roundtable - The Pretty Things - 1968

Nights At The Roundtable - The Pretty Things tonight, during their Psychedelic period and their 1968 single "Talkin' About The Good Times".

The Pretty Things - 1968 was mind-melting for them too.

Norman Smith (who did the first Pink Floyd albums and who later gained fame as "Hurricane" Smith . . .but that's another ball of wax), they crafted a series of singles and albums that stand out as high points in the bands career, with their masterpiece album S.F. Sorrow as something of a legendary forgotten classic.

One of those tracks we're playing tonight, Talkin' About The Good Times was their second single under the new label and direction. Released in February 1968 and three months after the release of their initial single Defecting Grey (which we'll play at some point, don't worry), The Pretty Things quickly established themselves as the arch purveyors of all things musically hallucinogenic and would keep them in that direction until they up and changed once again. But that wasn't for a few years into the future.

Tonight it's black lights, calico walls and no looking back.

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