Nights At The Roundtable - XTC - 1982

Nights At The Roundtable - XTC - No Thugs In Our House - from the album English Settlement - 1982 Virgin Records UK

XTC - Truer words were never spoken

XTC was one of those bands some critics said were too smart for their own good. Well, I'm not so sure about that, but they did nail it more often than not, particularly with a track like this. So if being too smart meant having a goodly amount of social conscience woven into to your lyrics - give me too smart any day.

No Thugs In Our House is off the English Settlement lp which rendered the huge hit Senses Working Overtime. But there was a lot of other material on that album that made it to the airwaves in1982.

Chances are (hopefully I'm wrong) you may not have heard this song too much the past several years. It wasn't a big hit over here as most likely songs about White Supremacist Skinheads didn't have the same appeal, nor garnish the amount of airplay here as they would overseas. But I'm sure there were a few FM stations around the country that played this track quite a lot.

If so, you most likely know the words. Play loud and sing along. It's about people we've all been running into a bit too much lately.

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