Senator Bob Dole braced to become Majority leader and the ever-present budget and the deficit, and the taxes.
Pres. Reagan: “If I’m so lame I’ve decided to get a cast. And that’ll be useful when I have to do some kicking.”
Deborah Potter (CBS News): “Left unsaid that some of the kicking will be aimed at the moderates within his own party who’ve already vowed to nudge him towards what they see as an unpleasant reality; the deficit can’t be cut enough without a tax increase.”
Unpleasant realities, something The Reagan Years were very good at sweeping under the carpet. And of course, fixing blame on the opposing party when the reality rears its fur-tongued head.
Same as it ever was - same as it ever was.
Here is a CBS World News Roundup broadcast from the morning of November 29, 1984. The players, the faces and the situations are all intact.