Tripoli Recap - August 21-22, 2011
Recap of news via BBC World Service of breaking events and the rebel take over of Tripoli.

As the story began to unfold that rebel forces were on the outskirts of Tripoli, news moved quickly changing almost by the minute, making it difficult to anticipate what was going to happen next.
At the moment the story is still unfolding. And as dawn is breaking over Tripoli there are still pockets of resistance but the much publicized 65,000 strong Pro-Gaddafi forces have not yet materialized and celebrations are continuing throughout the city.
Here are three sets of reports - the first one, via the BBC World Service, starts just as the news broke that rebel forces had entered Tripoli Sunday afternoon (4-5:00 pm PDT). The second and third players are news up to the early daylight hours (11:30 pm PDT).
I am sure there will be much more unfolding as the hours go by.
More of the stuff of history.