The Week That Was - First Week Of March 1992

The week that was - first week of March 1992 - the Presidential Primaries, the economy, the scandals, the kickoff to the Rodney King trial, the unemployment at 7.2%, and surgical castration in Texas. Some week.

. . .and if there wasn't enough going on.

The Democratic Presidential primaries were heating up with Sen. Bob Kerrey dropping out and leaving it a field of four; Gov. Bill Clinton, Paul Tsongas, Gerry Brown and Tom Harkin. While on the Republican side Pat Buchanan tried to pull support away from George Bush by proclaiming a certain "lock and load" mentality to his campaign rhetoric. Meanwhile, the economy was hovering or circling the drain, depending on who you asked. Macy's Department stores filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection and the unemployment was 7.3%. Scandals were big this first week of March, with the Congressional Check Bouncing (dubbed Rubbergate) scandal jangling nerves all over Capitol Hill. Washington Senator Brock Adams quit his re-election bid amidst a flurry of sexual harassment charges. And even charities weren't immune to the specter of scandal with United Way reeling over alegations. Ireland was pondering abortion legislation. Texas was advocating surgical castration for sex crimes. The Rodney King police beating trial was getting started and people were flipping out over the threatened Michelangelo Virus poised to hit computer hard drives all over the world.

That, and a whole lot more got crammed into this half hour of ABC World News This Week from March 8, 1992.

Some week - now you know why people opt for staying in bed.

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