Weekend (Holiday) Gramophone - Vlado Perlemuter In Recital At Jeunesses Musicales Du Canada - 1964

Newstalgia (Holiday) Weekend Gramophone featuring a recital by Piano legend Vlado Perlemuter at the 1964 Jeunesses Musicales du Canada.

Vlado Perlemuter - Piano legend and friend of Ravel.

Since it's still a holiday weekend, I thought I would post a Weekend Gramophone entry that was originally intended for yesterday. It comes via the Transcription Service of Radio Canada.

A piano recital by the legendary French-Lithuanian Pianist Vlado Perlemuter, given at the Jeuneses Musicales du Canada in 1964.

Perlemuter was one of the great interpreters of the music of Ravel, as well as Debussy. Having performed their works for them while they were still alive. With Ravel, Perlemuter developed a friendship and introduced several of the composer's works to an audience.

In this concert he plays, not only Ravel and Debussy but also the music of Faure and Chopin and gives three encores to a wildly enthusiastic crowd.

Since the discs were only good for one year before being destroyed, it's not too likely a lot of copies are around. It's a great concert by a highly influential pianist and I haven't seen it reissued anywhere.

So enjoy the rarity.

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