What Would George Say? George Wallace In 1964

(George Wallace - if he was still alive he'd be making his own teabags) Someone once told me they could never get enough of listening to George Wal

George Wallace because everything he said has some ring of insanity to it. I certainly couldn't argue with him there, but I wonder just how he would fit in with the current state of domestic turmoil we appear to be going through. Probably very nicely I suspect.

Here is an interview, an episode of Meet The Press from October 25, 1964 where Wallace as well as Vermont Governor Phillip H. Hoff (D-VT) talk about the upcoming election and how the landscape has changed, with Alabama heading over to the Republican side for the first time and Vermont headed over to the Democrats, also for the first time.

Wallace though, entertains no end.

George Wallace: “I don’t think there’ll ever be in my lifetime any desegregation to the extent that the liberals are talkin’ about. We have token integration in Alabama as a result of the Federal courts, who themselves have arrogated to themselves the right to determine the policy of schools in our state. People now on the Federal Court system run our country, they have even taken over the Congress, they’ve taken over my state. No governor in the country has authority anymore. One Federal judge, appointed for life, runs the schools and runs government in my state. Reapportioned the legislature to decide what district Congressmen can run from. And I don’t think in my lifetime or your lifetime that we’re going to have any total desegregation in any state in the union.”

For his part though, Wallace scrupulously avoids endorsing any candidate for President since he was all too aware his name carried a certain dose of poison along with it.

One aspect of civility and political intelligence our current crop of electoral luminaries fail to recognize.

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