After Feigned Outrage Over 'Cop Killer' Rapper, Huckabee Brings In Ted Nugent Preceding His 'Big Announcement'
Well, no big surprise that Mike Huckabee decided he was enjoying his well-paying gig over at Fox News so much that he's not going to run for president in 2012. If we weren't sure before he made it official tonight, this appearance by Ted Nugent on his show just prior to his "big announcement" should have tipped everyone off.
Nugent was asked what he thought about the killing of Osama bin Laden and although Nugent praised the decision to go in and get him, he downplayed the importance of them finally killing him by saying it didn't really matter that much in the overall "war on terror." Anyone think he wouldn't have been dancing around praising Bush as the best president ever if this had happened under Bush's watch?
And for all the talk from Huckabee about being a Christian and a man of god, why is he allowing someone who spouts off the kind of inflammatory, violent rhetoric we heard out of Nugent here on his show? I think we all know the answer to that, but I find it pretty ironic after all of the yelping over the rapper Common coming to the White House, on the night that one of the Republican Party's supposed "front runners" was potentially going to announce whether he was running for president or not, he chooses to bring someone like Nugent on to spout this nonsense:
NUGENT: And everybody rejoiced. There was an uproarious celebration because we know that when good wins over evil it's perfect. And that was a perfect maneuver. God bless President Obama for making that right decision.
HUCKABEE: He did make the right decision.
NUGENT: And god bless the warriors. I get to train and hang with these heroes of the military and especially those comando warriors, those U.S. Navy Seals. Um, you've all heard about equality. I'm sorry, we're not equal to them. They're superior beings. They are the greatest warriors in the history of the world and they're ours. [...]
HUCKABEE: Ted, let's talk about it. Are we safer because of the death of Osama bin Laden? Does that make this world a more secure place?
NUGENT: No. It was a great moment and it was long overdue, but in the real world with the war on terror and our security, it was a hiccup. It was a brief good, but it isn't even the beginning of what we have to do.
we have to kill them all. We have to find all his idiots and we have to kill them all. If we unleash the heroes of our military who are trained and ready to do so if we just did what Obama did that day and said go kill him. You know where he is. Go get him. If we just let the warriors do that like they're supposed to all of those rats, all of those mongrels, then we would be on our way to being safe.
But we're not safer now. The only way towards peace and love is to kill people who mess with your peace and love.
HUCKABEE: Hmm. I want to talk about the...
NUGENT: That's how you build nations.
Nugent went on to endorse militarizing our borders in the United States and claimed we could stop all of the illegal immigrants coming in "before 6pm" if they just let the military come down there. He then went on to compare securing the entire border of the United States to him being able to secure his private property.
So I've got a question for Mike Huckabee. How many "rats" would Jesus kill Huck?
Of course Huckabee knows exactly what he's getting when he allows Ted Nugent on his show after this appearance.
Nugent: I was in Chicago last week I said---Hey Obama, you might want to suck on one of these you punk? Obama, he's a piece of shit and I told him to suck on one of my machine guns...Let's hear it for them. I was in NY and I said hey Hillary---you might want to ride one of these into the sunset you worthless bitch...Since I'm in California, I'm gonna find-- she might wanna suck on my machine gun! Hey, Dianne Feinstein, ride one of these you worthless whore. Any questions? Freeeeedom!
And it's not just at concerts. He's done this on Fox News too. This is a guy who told Neil Cavuto we should 'kill the pigs' -- like the 'Marxist' pigs in the White House -- and told Sean Hannity that Obama was "spitting on the Constitution".
I also found it pretty ironic that Huckabee and Nugent decided to treat the audience at his show to the two of them playing Cat Scratch Fever following this segment. If the fact that he had Nugent on in the first place wasn't enough of a hint that there was no way he was running, not wanting the lyrics to Cat Scratch Fever to be his official campaign song might have been a hint as well.
Media Matters has an extensive report on all of the feigned outrage over the rapper Common that I linked above. I highly recommend reading the whole article here -- Fox News' Contrived Outrage Over "'Cop Killer' Rapper".