Alan Colmes: Well Look At All Of The Presidential Candidates That Work For Fox News On The Repubican Side

Oh my. Alan, Alan... Alan... you know you can't say things like this and expect to keep getting asked back on this show don't you? After listening to the panel on Fox News Watch carp about President Obama's upcoming appearance at a youth town hall

Oh my. Alan, Alan... Alan... you know you can't say things like this and expect to keep getting asked back on this show don't you? After listening to the panel on Fox News Watch carp about President Obama's upcoming appearance at a youth town hall on MTV and other perceived "librul" media bias, Alan Colmes brings up the fact that Fox has in its employ a number of potential 2012 presidential candidates.

The stunned faces and nervous laughter from the group which followed was priceless to say the least. We'll see how soon they have him back on the panel on Fox News Watch again since he probably just broke one of "Uncle Rupert's" rules.

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