Allen West: Obama Is ‘Serving Up A Crap Sandwich With A Smile’:
During an appearance on Fox News on Saturday morning, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) accused Obama of serving up a “crap sandwich.” “Let’s be very honest and let’s put this in military vernacular, if you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich,” West said. “That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He’s fed America just a load of you know what and it’s not done anything for this country other than increasing our unemployment, increasing Americans in poverty, increasing the food stamp rolls, and we’re heading in the wrong direction.”
If anyone ought to know anything about a "crap sandwich" it's West and that Republican controlled House he's serving in. If the Republicans are really worried about likeability and image problems, they'd be telling West to keep his ass off the air. If these Republicans know how to do one thing well, it's how to divide the working class against each other and West was no exception to that rule here. Punch down, suck up, project your worst faults on your opponent, play against people's fears and envies, call names and then hope the voters aren't actually paying attention to how you legislate.