better nominate Chris Christie and that nominating Mitt Romney means that President Obama will be reelected. Now she's full on board with the winner of the Fox primary, Mitt Romney, in coming to his defense here.
I think there are more important things than Gingrich's marital problems with what most Americans should be considering when looking at these candidates as well, but I don't think you can eliminate the honest arguments about the hypocrisy when it comes to Gingrich and what it says about his character. I'm far more concerned about the horrid policies he's advocating for, like the rest of them on the right, which would mean the poor getting poorer, the elimination of our middle class, the rich getting richer and income disparity continuing to grow under any of them if we're unfortunate enough to see any of them elected.
I am actually enjoying watching the right implode and the civil war that's breaking out among their ranks as this primary race goes on though. Everyone talks about Democrats participating in a circular firing squad. Right now, the party that looks like its firing on each other is the Republicans.