Ann Coulter Gives The Ode To Keith Olbermann Award At The Media Research Center's 'Dishonor Awards' Ceremony

It's hard to say what was more disgusting about this "awards ceremony" hosted by Brent Bozell's right wing rag, The Media Research Center; the horribly bad jokes or the blatant dishonesty with the better part of the clips that they showed that were highly edited and chopped together apparently for the entertainment of the audience there.

Dishonors Awards Ceremony. Here's their description of the event:

The Media Research Center held its annual gala to roast media they feel show liberal bias with "DisHonor Awards." Ann Coulter, Neal Boortz, Andrew Klavan, and a Who's Who of national conservative leaders will participate in the 2011 Dis Honors awards roast hosted by Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center. The Outlaws will provide live entertainment and Cal Thomas will receive the William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence.

And of course what would one of these events be without giving Ann Coulter a chance to pretend she's still relevant and to spend some time trashing Keith Olbermann. Ann's criticism basically boiled down to calling Olbermann a girl, stupid, getting in a fat joke on Michael Moore and trashing his new upcoming show at Current TV. She also gave him credit for contributing to Scott Brown being elected after he did one of his special comments about him, as though the terrible campaign run by Martha Coakley had nothing to do with that. Yes folks, Keith Olbermann apparently is presonally responsible for Scott Brown being elected in Massachusetts because he did a special comment on him at MSNBC if you live in Ann Coulter and The Media Research Center's world.

Ann apparently also confused who was watching Olbermann's show on MSNBC when she said the only people watching him were right wing bloggers, to laugh at him. Sorry Ann, but the show on MSNBC where the ratings suck and it's left wing bloggers watching it to debunk the crap said there, is Morning Joe. Keith didn't go off the air because he lost his audience. He went off the air because he didn't want to be hamstringed by the management there once Comcast took the network over. And I would guess his new show will be every bit as relevant as Bozell's rag you're out there carrying water for during this event.

And to wrap this segment up, they brought on wingnut Rep. Steve King to accept the award for Olbermann, who apparently still has a craw stuck in his neck for being made one of his Worst Persons way too many times.

And a final note on this, can anyone imagine a liberal group doing anything even remotely similar to this without being absolutely savaged by the "mainstream media" for it? I can't.

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