Another C-Street Shoe Drops: Ensign Gave Wamp $5000 Campaign Donation After News Of Affair Broke

Rachel reports on the latest shoe to drop in the C-Street House, John Ensign scandal. Maddow: We now have news that just eight days after the public

Rachel reports on the latest shoe to drop in the C-Street House, John Ensign scandal.

Maddow: We now have news that just eight days after the public announcement of his own affair, Sen. Ensign gave a $5000 contribution to one of his C-Street housemates, Congressman Zach Wamp. Ensign's political action committee made the contribution on June 24th. Congressman Wamp's campaign committee accepted the contribution five days later on June 29th. So far Congressman Wamp has not returned the money. Zach Wamp of course is a conservative family values Republican. He is campaigning for governor in Tennessee in part on his enthusiasm for the sanctity of marriage.

Oh these wonderful family values Republicans. As Rachel notes, there are still no answers as to whether Rep. Wamp and the others living at C-Street had anything to do with Sen. Ensign getting his parents to funnel hush money to his mistress and her family, and the C-Street scandal is starting to catch up to all of the people involved as their local press starts to ask more questions.

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