April Ryan Complains About The 'Shoddy Reporting' On The Sherrod Story On Fox Without Mentioning Fox Or Breitbart
Here's yet another example of why our beltway Villager White House press corps is completely useless. Here's Urban Radio's White House correspondent A
Here's yet another example of why our beltway Villager White House press corps is completely useless. Here's Urban Radio's White House correspondent April Ryan talking to Greta Van Susteren on Fox about the Shirley Sherrod firing.
Ryan: But I'm going to say this. Greta there is a lot of blame to be laid. I'm going to start as a reporter who started out in this business going from the basics, the facts and learning how to put the full context of the story out there. It started shoddy, the reporting was done shoddily and I'm sorry, the full context was not put out and then yesterday when the tape started coming out the full forty three minutes, we understood that it was about racial redemption and reconciliation.
Now some say, maybe she shouldn't have said it. Some say maybe she should have but either way the context of the story was not put out at the very beginning and that's where it starts. There is blame to be laid in almost every facet. You know you can say the NAACP, they're having a meeting this evening. They're very upset about the fact that they had to retract a statement and all the racial aspects that's going on. Then you have the White House having to retract. I mean so many people are involved in this now and it started from shoddy reporting.
While what she said is true, the problem is what she didn't say -- Fox News and Andrew Breitbart. April if you care about "shoddy reporting", don't go on one of the first shows to do the shoddy reporting and complain about how the story wasn't reported properly without bothering to mention that pesky little fact. The story went from Breitbart's site to Fox News' web site straight to O'Reilly, then to the show she's appearing on now, to Hannity. Pitiful.