Austan Goolsbee Calls Out Chris Wallace For The Small Business Tax Lie

It looks like Chris Wallace also got the memo to repeat the Republican lie that half of small business income is going to be raised if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire. Thankfully Austen Goolsbee was having none of that on Fox News Sunday

Peter Morici was repeating that same nonsense.

Good to see the latest addition to Obama's economic team is taking on this talking point because I'm tired of them being allowed to repeat it day in and day out without it being challenged. It's pretty pathetic when the so-called "journalist" -- and I use that term very loosely when it comes to Chris Wallace or anyone at Fox, or for that matter most of cable news these days -- has to be corrected by the guest for spreading Republican propaganda, but that's pretty much the state of our pitiful corporate media these days. Lie, distort and distract.

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