Bill Kristol: One Thing Republicans Can Be Proud Of 'Is That We Don't Politicize Foreign Wars'

When asked by Chris Wallace fill-in Major Garrett on Fox News Sunday if he still stands by his remarks that Michael Steele should resign as RNC chairm

stands by his remarks that Michael Steele should resign as RNC chairman, Kristol of course still thinks he should go. Now that Michael Steele has stepped all over their messaging on this increasingly unpopular war, Mr. I'm-Wrong-About-Everything-So-Why-Should-This-Sunday-Be-Any-Different Kristol also tosses this bit of hackery out there when explaining why he thinks Steele should step down. Heaven forbid we can't have anyone thinking that Republicans would ever blatantly play politics with war, right after their chairman gets caught telling candidates how to blatantly play politics with war.

Kristol: No. I talked to him yesterday. He called me and we had a long conversation and he tried to persuade me that the remarks were taken out of context. But at the end of the day he didn't persuade me actually that it wouldn't be better for the good of the Republican Party and for the country if he stepped down as Republican chairman.

He's a good guy. He should be a pundit on a million t.v. shows. He should give speeches but he shouldn't express the views he expressed as the Republican chairman. He was speaking at a Republican event and he said "Keep in mind again, federal candidates". He was speaking to Republican candidates for federal office, "this is a war of Obama's choosing" and I think one thing as a Republican and I think Republicans can be proud of is that we don't politicize foreign wars and we support the President if we think he's right and we don't try to make political hay of difficulties that are being encountered overseas.

Republicans have supported this President in this war in Afghanistan which obviously has been a bipartisan effort from the beginning and unfortunately, Michael Steele politicized this in a way that doesn't reflect the view of the huge majority of Republicans. I think it would be better if he went.

Yeah Bill, Republicans don't politicize war, except for when they do. I'd love for him to give one example where they haven't politicized war. They politicize everything.

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