Bill Kristol Predicts 'The Bulk' Of The Health Care Bill Will Be Repealed By 2013

Bloody Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday predicts that the bulk of the health care bill will be repealed by 2013. As Think Progress noted Mr. Wrong Abou

Mr. Wrong About Everything "Kristol Ball" doesn't exactly have the best track record.

Of course, the “Kristol balldoesn’t have the best track record when it comes to making predictions. Plus, as Igor Volsky has pointed out, once the bill is enacted repeal will not look like a favorable option. “The short term benefit of motivating your base by condemning a drawn out and somewhat dirty process may be substantial, but repealing policies that give billions of dollars in federal funds to the states and protect individuals from some fairly egregious insurer practices makes little sense,” he wrote.

I don't think the Republicans will have any luck repealing it. Fixing it with some price controls is another matter but as I've said before you can bet anything the Republicans try to do to "fix" the bill will only make it worse. Since Kristol isn't exactly known for telling the truth I doubt he actually believes this either.

People are concerned about the future of this country and they think this bill is bad for it by a majority, and I believe that will be the Republican message and the Republican message will be a responsible one to repeal this bill and replace it with better health care reforms and to get a handle on the debt, which this bill increases…The American public are going to insist on its repeal over the next three years. We are! I predict in 2013 the bulk of this will be repealed and replaced with better health care legislation.

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