Bill Kristol Worried Obama Is Going To "Fritter Away" Our "Victory" In Iraq

[media id=7457] Bloody Bill Kristol is just outraged that President Obama wants to reduce military spending and increase domestic spending. Heaven fo

Bloody Bill Kristol is just outraged that President Obama wants to reduce military spending and increase domestic spending. Heaven forbid he's not playing into the fear mongering that Kristol continues with even in this segment. After Williams points out that we need some domestic spending right now and that Obama is not exactly leaving Iraq if there are going to be 50,000 troops there. Kristol follows with a bit of revisionist history and feigned outrage.

Kristol: You know, I want, we won that war and we paid great sacrifice to do so and I do not want to fritter it away because of a stupid campaign promise about a 16 month withdrawal and then an arbitrary deadline. And I think Obama is probably responsible, but...probably.

I would like for Bill Kristol to explain just how you "win" an occupation. I'd also like to know what "great personal sacrifice" he's made. As far as I can tell he's still got his money, his family, all his limbs and is doing pretty well, unlike so many of the people who got sent over there to fight this ill-conceived war that he helped get us into. So Bill Kristol you have no standing to get huffy over whether someone else is acting responsibly.

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